Sunday, 8 February 2009

Unique Inspiration

It was an early, frosty start for me this morning. My younger daughter had been chosen to compete for her RAF cadets—and we had to make the bus by seven. Early, we watched other teenagers arriving with their creased and starched uniform trousers on hangers, shiny boots in hand. ‘I really love the RAF,' she said unprompted, 'It’s different to school. Everyone’s respectful. They’re all there for the same reason. You can really be yourself.’ We supposed it was something to do with 'the rules were known', parameters drawn, the formality, marching, timekeeping. A combined sense of purpose; pride in being part of a disciplined group that ironed and polished, not just partied. ‘Everyone’s so different,’ she said. The only thing that set one apart from the other was their personality, their individuality. I thought, yes, it's nice to show off who you really are and still have people like you for it.

In a woman’s world, grown-ups, its completely different, isn’t it. What are the rules? What is considered ‘right’? Stay at home, or go to work? Get married or not. Have children? When? How to dress? What age is the right one? Too young for this, or too old for that? Twenty or sixty? What size is ok? Coy or forward, mousey or brassy, liberal or strict? In other words how do we avoid that conflict of disapproval?

That’s where the secret of motivation for women lies. Not one woman’s life is the same as another, and yet we seek to copy if only to gain approval and encouragement, to get along, group up well, avoid getting it wrong. It's understandable, and in many ways admirable. If there is a 'kit' then we will wear it. No one really likes a radical, upsetting things, making the place untidy. But, problem is, as women, there isn't one set style, one colour suits all.

No. I believe every woman has a unique purpose, often challenging, and always changing. Step back from the throng, think; ‘what am I doing today which is unique , which is unexpected, which is inspiring?’ The answer will come to you, and you alone.